Try Our Gator Bites!

Get ready for a fun little deep dive into one of our favorite dishes here at Captain Eddie’s: Gator Bites. We have a real advantage in Sarasota because we have access to all sorts of gator meat right in our own backyard.

We want to take a quick moment to remind everyone why you should try our gator bites.

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Benefits of Eating Oysters

When it comes to seafood, there are endless amounts of delicious options. One choice that may not always be a fan favorite is oysters. Oysters are a fresh fish delicacy with a chewy texture that some either love or have not been so eager to try. Eating Oysters is actually very beneficial to your health. If you haven’t yet, here are some reasons to add oysters to your diet. 

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Celebrate National French Fried Shrimp Day in Nokomis

While you’re aware of the holiday that takes place on December 25th, another, lesser-known holiday occurs a few days before. December 21st marks a unique celebration, National French Fried Shrimp Day! Shrimp happens to be the most popular seafood in the United States. That’s right, we sure do love our shrimp. We tend to gravitate towards food that’s loaded with flavor, and much like French fries, french-fried shrimp is deep-fried in oil to give it its unique flavor that so many love.

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